Hello Students, today someone from first year asked me how one can improve listening...My answer is getting to know NATIVE SPEAKERS!!! In my opinion, it's the funniest and fastest way...so let me pass on this message to you... Hello, this is a quick message to remind you about our weekly International
Evening every Wednesday night.
The idea is to give our virtual community a chance to meet in person, practise
languages, socialise, and generally get together for a few beers on a Wednesday
night (...the drinks are really cheap too, which is a nice change in Madrid!)
It's on at "Rocket" Bar (calle Larra 21, metro Bilbao) from 9pm to 1am.
Come with friends, or just yourself: we have our lingobongo host Miguel to make
sure everyone meets each other.
For a map (you actually need this as it's in a side street...) and more details
go to our website… http://www.lingobongo.com/madrid/
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