
Another useful website

Hello again!
I have just found another useful link apart from that at the University of Iowa...


In this one you have the phonemes classified and described; there are also some exercises for you to practice...I hope you like it as much as I do!

Grammar and Pronunciation Help

Good morning,
You can find three new Links in the "Check this out" section...

One where you can have a look at those grammatical points which are most difficult for you...You can find it in the link Grammar Online from http://www.edufind.com/english/grammar/TOC.CFM

Another link to practice your Phonetics: Pronunciation Help
Click on the link http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/english/frameset.html. Here You can see how the woman pronounces the sounds of English and practice yourselves!

And finally, for those with a deep curiosity, British Accents, a link for you to listen to the huge variety of Accents of English scattered throughout the UK.


Some Listening Practice

Click on the following link from the website esl.about.com, a very complete page to practice your English...You should visit it from time to time...

In this link you have a series of recordings to practice your listening skills, and there are some questions to check that you have understood the text...; of course you can find other sections to practice grammar, vocabulary, etc.



Hi Students

Hello everyone!!! I hope that you like my blog when you have a look at the links attached...you will find lots of practice...

Students of Primero:
Remember the HOMEWORK for Thursday: pages 62 and 63(Grammar, Vocabulary and the Reading)

Also check this out:
Pronunciation of -ED endings(Simple Past of Regular Verbs)

Students of Tercero:

You have Homework as well, on pages 62 and 63...(for Thursday);
and also:
A page with some Practice of Modals for Obligation and Absence of Obligation.
And here is another one at English Page where you can find,apart from the grammar explanations for each verb, some exercises to practice...
